Tuesday, May 10, 2011

When life hands you lemons...

...be happy and put them in the fridge, because those things are expensive!

So, it's finals time, and I'm deliriously skipping through my last round of law school finals EVER (sorry if that was salt being rubbed in your wounds). This is the time of year where everyone gets stressed, and we're all probably a little homicidal (because everyone knows that running out of tabs at 6:30 in the morning is a NATIONAL EMERGENCY when you've got a test in less than 3 hours and you want to get your outline finished, so don't ask if they're really important!). There's sometimes a little depression - like can I possibly cram all of this knowledge from the last 4 months into my brain in time for a final? can I regurgitate it all back in a coherent form? will I find a job anytime soon?

Needless to say, sometimes I have to stop and back away and consider it all for a moment. I have to actively look for things to be happy to be happy about, because I know they are there, and sometimes I find them in surprising places - like when I'm being actively pissy and purposely finding the glass half empty (a change from my natural disposition - it's neither empty or half full, it's twice as big as it needs to be).

So, here's an unusual post: things I love and things that make me happy.
  1. My husband. When I am ranting about things like the lack of sticky tabs at 6:30 in the morning or requesting to be tucked into bed at 7:30 because I'm just exhausted, he just smiles indulgently and does it without a question. He knows when to laugh and he knows when to be quiet and he knows when I just need a hug. I'm kind of demanding (shocking, right?), but he loves me anyway.
  2. My daughter. Taking finals while pregnant has been an experience - she gets bored and starts stretching, sometimes there's a contraction that can take my breath away for a moment, and I need to pause for a moment before I go on. But I'll tell you this: I wouldn't change a minute of it. Every time I feel her squirm, I know she's growing and healthy, and has one hell of a little personality. And I wouldn't trade her little nudges during exams for anything. Maybe it's her way of making sure I know that she is supporting me.
  3. My parents. To say that they support me is an understatement. I don't think they always understand what it is I'm talking about or the latest thing I've gotten into, but they put on a good pretend face and go with it. Not to mention, they've literally let their house be taken over by baby stuff while we get ready to move back. Now that's devotion.
  4. Archie. He's a ball of fluff with a prissy attitude, and probably the nicest cat in the world. Even though I don't appreciate always being kneaded at ungodly hours because he wants to show me how much he loves me, it's worth it when he snuggles up next to me in the mornings when I'm having a slow day and sleeping in. He's my little snuggle bunny.
  5. Frank's snow cone machine. We just added this to our household inventory this weekend. Cherry snow cones whenever I want? Yes please!
  6. My craft project bin. Even though there are 4 projects in various states of incompleteness, I love looking over and seeing the possibilities in that box. I know that there are a bunch of things in there that will one day be beautiful, and I get to be part of that process.
  7. My friends. Misery loves company, and I love the miserable group that I'm surrounded with. There's nothing better than a great group of girls to turn to and hang out with. I wouldn't trade them for the world.
So, there's a few small reminders to myself of why life is good, even though things are a little hectic. It'll all calm down eventually (probably just in time for Ella to be born).

Happy Tuesday, everyone :)