Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Outlines and finals and papers, oh my!

Before I start getting into the bad stuff, a piece of good news: I finished my bioethics final! One class down, four to go. Hopefully by Saturday afternoon I will be done with three classes, and I can really concentrate on the remaining two. AND I got the copy of the journal where my little "Of Note" news summaries were published. Pretty exciting and I get a publication credit on my resume. Yay!! Now, on to more "upsetting" things...

I met with my PhD advisor this morning to go over some things before she leaves (boo!!) for a fantastic new opportunity. And in the process, I received some rather unfortunate news: I have to find a way to squeeze in 3 more hours somewhere next fall. My options:
  1. Try to take a class this summer while in Dallas at SMU and get it transferred to SLU Law and then I can drop a law class in the fall and take the PhD cluster course she's recommending.
  2. Request permission to take an additional 3 hours in the fall, for a grand total of 20 hours in the fall.
  3. Request permission to take an additional 3 hours next summer, for a total of 8 hours during the summer, drop one of my law classes in the fall, and take the cluster class.
At this moment in time, none of those options look to be even slightly preferable. Life is going to be interesting this next school year FOR SURE. On the plus side, I did get clearance to move back to Texas after I finish up coursework and my comps. So, something good did come from all of this.

I forgot my wakey wakey pills this morning, and I am dead beat tired. Hopefully this religious methods paper writing goes better, because currently I'm going back and forth between totally agreeing with Catholic Church and thinking that it's a totally backward organization run by a bunch of pig headed old white men. (Mother, if you read this, I promise I'm not planning on converting.)

I will say this though - I have become totally fascinated with the Jewish theology and culture. Their way of thinking and perceiving religion and healing is both fascinating and open minded. Where some religious traditions are really completely set against change (or at least approach it with painful conservatism) ::ahem::Catholics::ahem::, this is a culture and a religion open to change and open to the views of the practicing faithful. Novel concept really, and a model that I think holds great value.

Enough complaining. I'm going to go get some work done now. Maybe :)

I just saw a guy walk by hiking up his pants and buttoning them. Why are that young man's pants unbuttoned? Hanky panky in the library...